15.9.2009 | 14:51
15. september; alþjóðlegur dagur lýðræðis í dag
Í dag er alþjóðlegur dagur lýðræðis. Í skilgreiningu Sameinuðu þjóðanna vegna þessa dags segir m.a. annars, í lauslegri þýðingu: "Lýðræði er alheimsgildi sem byggir á að fólk hafi frelsi til að tjá vilja sinn um þau pólítísku, efnahagslegu, félagslegu og menningarlegu kerfi sem það býr við og á fullri þátttöku almennings á öllum sviðum lífsins".
Gleðilegan lýðræðisdag!
Af vefnum www.civicus.org:
Democracy, like globalisation, is a term that has had its essence wrung out through overuse, misuse and abuse. A Google search for the word throws up over 5 million references. Hymns are written to it. Politicians speeches are peppered with it. It features most often in the names of countries where it is least practised. From ink-marked fingers registering a vote for the first time to long queues of those whose faces never otherwise feature in the media, and legislators reporting their every passing thought on Twitter, to election campaigns that win corporate marketing awards - the symbolism of democracy often substitutes for its substance.
Two years ago, the United Nations, which, despite its deep flaws, remains humanitys best attempt yet at practising democracy at a global level, designated September 15 to be Global Democracy Day. In their pronouncements on the occasion the Assembly reaffirmed that democracy is a universal value based on the freely-expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems, and their full participation in all aspects of life.
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Frábær samtök. Til hamingju með daginn - er ekki nauðsynlegt að virkja fleiri íslendinga inn í þetta félag?
Anna Karlsdóttir, 15.9.2009 kl. 16:12
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.